Leadership team
Meet the organisation’s executive staff

Our executive team is based at our London office, leading colleagues in WORCESTER, Scotland and Northern Ireland, as well as a network of freelancers across the UK who visit musicians in their homes.
Beyond our staff, we couldn’t do what we do without a fantastic group of people who give their time to us, including our volunteers, those who work on our advisory committees and our board of trustees.
Learn about the current members of our executive team below:
Sarah has over twenty-five years’ experience within the charity sector, and as Chief Executive leads the strategic direction of both Help Musicians and Music Minds Matter.
She joined the charity in 2019, having spent many years at the Royal Albert Hall leading their marketing, communications and visitor experience areas.
Sarah studied Music at Kingston University and her passion for music lives on; although time to play the cello and piano is a little more limited today!
Laurie leads research, innovation, service design and delivery at Help Musicians. With close to two decades experience in service design and leadership, Laurie has worked with every scale service, from leading UK wide health service transformation for NHS England, to designing bespoke digital services for smaller, high-need communities. Past employers and clients include Big Issue, National Institute of Health Research, Department of Health and other government bodies, Stonewall and other national not-for-profits. In every service, Laurie strives to create an insights-driven culture where innovation thrives and people come first. A lifelong music lover and raver, Laurie is passionately curious about the world and lives of all music makers and is determined to put their experiences at the forefront of every service at Help Musicians. Laurie always want to hear how we are doing and what else we could do, so drop her a line!
Lesley is responsible for leading the charity’s finance and facilities functions, ensuring that we offer a musicians’ first approach through our support services.
She enjoys all types of music; although not a musician herself, she is often seen dancing along – with anything from Abba to ZZ Top likely to see her either take to the dancefloor or find her air guitar.
Liz leads in Communications and Marketing, Musicians’ Engagement and our Ambassador Relations; ultimately supporting the charity’s aim to reach every musician in the UK and ensuring they can access the help they need.
Liz used her journalism degree to combine her two biggest passions: music and writing. Having spent close to a decade in both consumer and trade music journalism, she chased exciting music stories from tiny festivals in remote parts of Canada to major label boardrooms. Since joining the charity in 2018, Liz has pooled her professional experience to work across PR, social media, musicians’ experience, marketing campaigns and communications.
Musically, you can guarantee her headphones have Rihanna playing and her summer will be in Ibiza.